Origin - Philippines
Rating - Donkey Shit
Day 19 ~ 5th day without food:
I've been trapped underground in this secret lab for what seems like a century with nothing to eat for 5 days now. The groans of my stomach keep me awake at night. I've eaten the last of the copy paper and nothing remains but this case of "Kalamares Squid Rings". I keep telling myself "maybe they'll taste like Fun-yuns" but my good senses tell me otherwise. I break. I open a bag to discover the sharp scent of "animal feed mill", at least they don't have bits of black shit on them as the picture suggests. Why do they come with vinegar? An initial taste leads me to my original thought of "Fun-yuns (although stale)" but with a pungent extra that quickly goes from half-ass to holy shit. I

keep telling myself "after a while the taste morphs to Limburger Cheese BUT THIS CAN'T BE!!!". I decide the vinegar is probably the way to go, maybe it'll cover up this terrible funk that lives in my mouth as some kind of Limburger parasite. No, dipping them does not help....it just

adds vinegar to the flavour dumpster. How could I be so naive? I tossed the bag over my shoulder and chose starvation.
Reviewed by Andy X
Review by Ms. K to come....