Rating - Good
The name is a mouthful, sadly so is the cone. It was really small, about the size of my middle finger (**British Accent**~ UP YOURS GLICOOOOOOOOOO). It tasted great and had a really intense strawberry milkshake scent. It reminded me of slightly wet astronaut's (freeze dried) ice cream or as Ms. K pointed out, one of those layered wafer cookies. It is what it is.
Reviewed by Andy X
Rating- Good
The package makes you think cardboard cone with marshmallow filling. So on the first bite the texture caught me off guard. But on second bite I nailed it as strawberry wafer cookie. Tasty but not the food adventure your looking for. The only bad thing about it was the smell was very fake and a bit plastic-y, like Strawberry Shortcake's head.
Reviewed by Ms. K

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