Origin - Thailand
Rating - Not So Good
We ordered these for the name alone, "Chili Gangster". What? Not sure what they mean....and why do they smell like Bigfoot's dick?? Yes, the smell is a bit to get past (kinda like a fish market in the summer). They feel really unnatural, kinda like a soggy Wendy's french fry and have the texture of shredded, wet cardboard in your mouth. The taste is what you'd expect, fishy, kinda sweet and a little spicy. No where near the dangers of "Chili Gangsters" that gang-bang your mouth. They were actually somewhat bland. I wouldn't care to eat these again, they get a "Not So Good" rating.
Reviewed by Andy X

Rating - Boston Baked Beans
I imagined this product to be a fishy Big League Chew and was sadly right. I would describe the smell as old fish shoe. The taste itself isn't that bad. At first kind of sweet and then a heat that was definitely chili but not as much gangster as I would have liked. I give it a guilty Boston baked beans. I liked it way more than I should considering it looks like old rubber bands made with 80% fish meat.
Reviewed by Ms. K
