Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mystery Ramune, Condom Flavor?


Origin - Japan
Rating - Good
I wasn't sure what the flavor of this was when I bought it, what a risky experiment! It does have what appears to be a condom on the bottle so one can only assume it tastes like Alabama white fish.

After a sample, I'm pretty sure this is the popular "soda" flavor (it is blue for fuck's sake) that Japan likes to magically pump out. It's not bad and it's not too sweet like other "soda" (kinda like cream soda, cotton candy) products I've had. But you know what would make this even better? That's right,  
fuckin' booze!

Here's the recipe for a little cocktail I call:

The Innuendo:
1 OZ. Spice Box Spiced Whiskey
2 OZ. Condom Ramune


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