Saturday, July 28, 2012

Good Choice Jeera Masala Soda


Origin - India
Rating - Donkey Shit
The Real Taste of India?
Rarely do I come across a product this bad. Memories of "Glutenous Tid-bits" came to mind as I spit my first taste back into my glass. It's so bad that I felt we needed a poem to heal the pain "Jeera" has caused. Please read on:

Twas thick like liquified Yoda,
The drink they called Marsala Soda.
The name implied Good Choice,
but it made Satan rejoice,
for it tasted of pee stained Pagoda.

Upon first opening of the Masala Soda, you'll quickly catch the scent of curry, like sticking your nose head on into a big can of cheap, no-name curry. It's unnaturally thick, like watered down corn syrup and the taste is something of legend. It's a toss up between recycled plastic, year old concentrated home brew and what you would imagine the air inside Joey Ramone's coffin to taste like. This is so bad. I might write a letter to Good Choice and post the response here. Don't you think we deserve an explanation for soda this bad?? I'm sure they'll at least like my poem...
~Reviewed by Andy X

Masala Soda
Rating: Donkey Shit

Rarely do one of this products surprise me with their level of badness but this soda really caught me off guard. The second it hit my lips/the tip of my tongue, I knew I had a met my match. My body spit it out into the sink in self defense. It's soo thick and oily! BLARG!!! And there's a weird burn-y sensation. Oh maybe it's the four types of acids listed in the ingredients. I'm shocked it didn't eat right through bottle. I really wish it had.
~Reviewed by Ms. K

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